Yourneeds FZ-LLC (“Yourneeds”, “we”, “us”, “our/s”): CWEP0188, Compass Building,
Al Shohada Road, AL Hamra Industrial Zone-FZ, Ras Al Khaimah, United Arab Emirates is, as a rule, the Сontroller of your personal data submitted through this website as described in this privacy policy (“Privacy Policy”).

We care about your privacy:

· We are committed to treating your privacy with respect, fairness, transparency and integrity;
· We will be transparent with you through our Privacy Policy and during our interactions with you;
· We will keep your personal data secure;
· We will respect your rights to control the personal data you share with us.

This Privacy Policy describes our policies and practices regarding collection and use of your personal data, and sets forth your privacy rights. We recognize that information privacy is an ongoing responsibility, and so we will from time to time update this Privacy Policy as we undertake new personal data practices or adopt new privacy policies.
This Privacy Policy covers the Yourneeds website.

Personal data we collect and use:

We will collect, process and use personal data during our interactions with you. The type of personal data we collect:

· Name;
· Surname;
· E-mail address;
· Contact details (telephone/mobile number).

How we use this personal data:

We use your personal data (to communicate and interact with you) in the purpose of marketing/direct marketing.

We only collect, process, use, and store your personal data where we are satisfied that we have an appropriate legal basis to do so.

How we protect and store your personal data:

We have implemented and maintain appropriate technical and organizational security measures, policies and procedures designed to protect the personal data that you share with us and safeguard the privacy of such personal data. For example, the measures we take include:
  • placing confidentiality requirements on our staff members and service providers;
  • destroying or permanently anonymizing personal data if it is no longer needed for the purposes for which it was collected;
  • following security procedures in the storage and disclosure of your personal data to prevent unauthorized access to it.

Legal rights available to help manage your privacy:

If you are subject to laws that provide you with such rights, depending on certain exceptions, and in some cases dependent upon the processing activity we are undertaking, you may have certain rights in relation to your personal data:

· Right to Receive Information
· Right to Request Transfer of personal data
· Right to Correction or Erasure of personal data
· Right to Restrict Processing
· Right to Stop Processing
· Right to Processing and Automated Processing

(According to Federal Decree by Law No. (45) of 2021 of United Arab Emirates Concerning the Protection of Personal Data) (Hereinafter – “Decree”)

Right to Receive Information (Article 13 of Decree)
You have the right, by submitting a request to us without any consideration, to obtain the following information:
a. The types of its personal data that are being processed.
b. Purposes of processing.
c. Decisions made based on automated processing, including profiling.
d. The targeted sectors or establishments with whom its personal data will be shared from inside and outside the State.
e. Controls and standards for the period of storage and preservation of your personal data.
f. Procedures for correcting, erasing or limiting processing and objection to your personal data.
g. Protection measures for cross-border processing carried out.
h. Actions to be taken in the event of a breach or misuse of your personal data, especially if the breach or misuse has a direct and serious threat to the privacy and confidentiality of your personal data.
i. How to submit complaints.

Right to Request Transfer of personal data (Article 14 of Decree)
1. You shall have the right to receive your personal data that has been provided to us for processing, in an orderly and machine-readable manner, whenever the processing is based on your consent, or it is necessary for the implementation of a contractual obligation, and it is carried out by automated means.
2. You shall have the right to request the transfer of your personal data to another Controller whenever it is technically feasible.

Right to Correction or Erasure of personal data (Article 15 of Decree)
1. You shall have the right to request the correction of your inaccurate personal data, or request to complete the data held by us without undue delay
2. Without prejudice to the legislations in force in the State and what is required for the public interest, you shall have the right to request erasure of your personal data held by us in any of the following cases:
a. Your personal data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it is collected or processed.
b. Withdrawal of your consent on which the processing is based.
c. Your objection to the processing, or the absence of legitimate reasons for us to continue the processing.
d. The personal data is processed in violation of the provisions of the Decree and the applicable legislations, and the erasure process is necessary to comply with the legislations and approved standards in force in this regard.

Right to Restrict Processing (Article 16 of Decree)
1. You shall have the right to oblige us to restrict and stop processing in any of the following cases:
a. Your objection to the accuracy of the personal data, in which case the processing shall be restricted for a specific period to allow us to verify the data accuracy.
b. Your objection to the processing of your personal data in violation of the agreed-upon purposes.
c. The processing is carried out in violation of the provisions of the Decree and the applicable legislations.
2. You shall have the right to request us to continue to keep your personal data after the completion of the processing purposes when such data is necessary to complete procedures related to claiming or defending rights and lawsuits.

Right to Stop Processing (Article 17 of Decree)
You shall have the right to object to the processing of your personal data and stop it in any of the following cases:
1. If the processing is intended for the purposes of direct marketing, including profiling related to direct marketing.
2. If the processing is intended for the purposes of conducting statistical surveys, unless the processing is necessary to serve the public interest.
3. If the processing is carried out in violation of the Decree.

Right to Processing and Automated Processing (Article 18 of Decree)
1. You shall have the right to object to any decisions resulting from automated processing, including profiling, particularly those decisions which have legal impact on or adversely affect you.

How long we retain your personal data for:

We will only keep your personal data for as long as it is necessary or needed for our marketing/direct marketing purposes or for legal requirements, and then we delete it from our systems.

How to exercise your rights:

You can exercise your rights by sending us a communication at our Data Privacy Office: CWEP0188, Compass Building, Al Shohada Road, AL Hamra Industrial Zone-FZ, Ras Al Khaimah, United Arab Emirates; E-mail: Subject to legal and other permissible considerations, we will make every reasonable effort to honour your request promptly or inform you if we require further information in order to fulfil your request.
We may not always be able to fully address your request, for example, if it would impact the duty of confidentiality we owe to others, or if we are legally entitled to deal with the request in a different way.